Determine own fingerprint

I’m new and trying to determine my own fingerprint. When I click on my user is at the top right I get a pic and a menu.

  • profile does nothing
  • beginners guide works
  • preferences works
  • about confirms v2.0.0-dev.5, build 18111030036.53a6bb49

Status reports green and idle except network which is Amber inbound not working port mapping failed.

TIA for any help

Browsing communities loads forever with high CPU.
Starting a new community worked but loading it sits forever.

What OS do you have? I’ll send you a debug build, so you can actually see the logs and we can figure out what’s happening there.

I’m running Ubuntu 18.10 in VirtualBox

I only gave the VM 1 vCPU if that matters

It shouldn’t matter. I’ll send you a debug build for Linux, let’s see what happens.

I bumped to 2 vCPUs and enabled PAE/NX, rebooted and retried. Looks good now!

Awesome. :+1:

Let me know if you have any other problems.